To get started, input the desired dimensions for your tabular below and click "create new table".
The Basics
To begin, input the desired dimensions of your tabular, then hit "Create new table".
Insert the desired text in each cell of the table. If "auto refresh TeX" is on, the TeX will refresh as soon as you leave the cell. You may wish to turn this option off if you have a very large tabular, or if the TeX generation is slow. If "auto refresh TeX" is off, you will need to click "Generate the TeX" in order update the TeX.
By default, every row is followed by an \hline. You can turn off individual \hlines by clicking the black line between the desired rows. You can turn off all \hlines by toggling the "\hlines" option. "Flip \hlines" will "flip" the current setting for a given row - if it had an \hline before, it no longer will, and vice versa.
Adding and removing rows and columns
Adding and removing rows and columns is controlled by the buttons on the border ot the table. The buttons along the top of the table control the insertion and removal of columns, and those along the left side of the table control the insertion and removal of rows. The "◌" button removes the appropriate row or column, while the "+" signs add a row or column in the direction of their associated arrow.
Transposing columns
A column may be transposed with the one to its immediate left or to its immediate right. (Multiple transpositions in either direction can move a column all the way across a table, of course). Transposition is controlled by the "←" and "→" buttons, each in the direction indicated by the arrow.
The BackForm Utility
The BackForm utility will take whatever text is in the TeX box, and try to fit it into the cells of the Table. It will determine the right number of rows and columns on its own. It is important that you include only the data section of your tabular here - including the \begin{tabular}... and other assorted headers will cause problems.
"Auto-BackForm" will BackForm whatever is in the TeX box whenever you click outside of it. This option is, by default, turned on.
Changing cell size for easier editing
You may change the size of individual cells for easier editing with the "-" and "+" buttons. This does not affect the actual size of the cell in the tabular.
Tabular headers
Note that this application is intended only to generate the data section of a tabular. It will *not* create the header of your tabular or align the cells for you. This must be done in your favorite text editor (unless that's emacs, in which case, this must be done in vim). Adding these items into the TeX box may mess up your tabular, especially if the auto-BackForm option is turned on.
Features still to implement
We have plans for the future. The most important new feature is to give the user the ability to change the size of The Table dynamically.
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