For my students
- Office hours.
- Letters of recommendation.
- Classes I'm teaching (currently and upcoming).
- Past courses including syllabi and course evaluations.
- TTU linguistics:
- How-tos for various tasks like typing in IPA and drawing syntax trees
- Books you can borrow from me.
Mental health and well-being
TTU Student Counseling Center: (806) 742-3674. Provides confidential support for students by licensed mental health care providers.
Reach them by email at or in person on the second floor of the Student Wellness Center (corner of Flint Ave. & Main St.), room 201. - TTU Crisis HelpLine: (806) 742-5555. Available 24/7/365 to assist students experiencing suicidal thoughts, mental health crises, sexual assault, and interpersonal violence.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. If you or someone you know is in crisis or is actively contemplating self-harm, call or text 988 for immediate help.
- Therapy Assistance Online. Online library of behavioral health resources.
- Voice of Hope Lubbock Rape Crisis Center: (806)763-7273. 24-hour hotline providing support for survivors of sexual violence.
- TTU Risk, Intervention, Safety and Education (RISE) Office: (806) 742-2110. Provides a range of resources and support options focused on prevention education and student wellness.
- TTU Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities: (806) 742-2891. Supports students in recovery from alcohol, drugs, and behavioral addictions
- Raider Red’s Food Pantry: (806) 742-2984. Provides students with short-term access to supplemental food.
Academic resources
- TTU Student Disability Services: (806) 742-2405;
- TTU Writing Center. Provides consultations for students on class assignments and other writing projects (resumes, job applications, etc).
- Support Operations for Academic Retention (SOAR). Provides support for TTU students including peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, and academic management skills.
- TTU Academic calendars. When is spring break? When does registration start for next semester?
Diversity and inclusive campus resources
- TTU Chosen Name and Identity Information. Students may change their chosen name and gender marker for many university services.
- List of gender-inclusive/unisex restrooms on campus (archived; may be out of date).
Useful TTU offices
- TTU Campus Access and Engagement office. Contact this office for ways that TTU can support your success in college: (806) 742-7025.
- TTU Hispanic Service Institution (HSI) programs and initiatives.
- TTU Office of the Dean of Students: (806) 742-2984. Provides support for non-academic issues such as family emergencies.
- Arts and Sciences Associate Dean of Student Affairs: (806) 742-3831. Provides help with academic issues such as notifying professors about long-term absences (more than one week) and grade appeals.
- Student Legal Services: (806) 742-3289. Provides legal advice and limited representation for students dealing with legal issues including legal name/gender changes, landlord/tenant disputes, and notary services.
- Office for Student Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Coordinator: (806) 742-7233. Coordinates response, investigations, and processes related to sexual violence, discrimination, and harassment. Also coordinates assistance for students navigating pregnancy and childbirth.
Free software for TTU students
- Free software for TTU students. Includes Microsoft Office, Top Hat, MatLab, and more. (Filter by "User Type" of "Students").
- More free software for TTU students. Includes the campus VPN client, GlobalProtect.
- Even more free (and discounted) software for TTU students. Includes Windows. Click "sign in", then "students".
Software for linguistics
All of the following are available for free:- Praat (acoustic analysis). The most popular software for linguists doing phonetic analysis. See also Will Styler's fantastic guide, Using Praat for linguistic research.
- Zotero (bibliography management). Manage your references and articles, keep track of your PDFs.
- PsychoPy (experiment design). Create and run experiments to test your hypotheses. Has tools for online experiment, too.
- R (statistical analysis). Requires some knowledge of programming, but the flexibility you can achieve is worth it. (See also the RStudio IDE.)
- Audacity (audio recording). An easy way to record audio onto your computer.
- Using IPA fonts on macOS.
- TreeForm (drawing syntaxctic trees). The interface is a little fiddly, but does not require bracket notation.
- jsSyntaxTree (drawing syntactic trees). (Formerly phpSyntaxTree.) Requires bracket notation.
Applying to grad school
- PINE Lab graduate school application resources. (Specifically for psychology programs, but much of the advice generalizes to other fields).
- Shigeto Kawahara's tips for Applying to graduate school. (Specifically for linguistics and speech pathology).