Aaron Braver
Associate Professor and Director of Linguistics
Texas Tech University
<aaron.braver /æt/ ttu.edu>
Office: Humanities 312C | Lab: Humanities 203
Associate Professor and Director of Linguistics
Texas Tech University
<aaron.braver /æt/ ttu.edu>
Office: Humanities 312C | Lab: Humanities 203
I am an Associate Professor and Director of Linguistics at Texas Tech University. My research focuses on phonology and its interfaces with phonetics and morphology, which I investigate from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. My current projects involve modeling incomplete neutralization and bringing laboratory phonology approaches to Bantu morphophonology.
I also direct the Phonetics and Phonology Linguistics Laboratory (PPLL) at Texas Tech.
If you want to know more about me, check out my CV [PDF], research interests, or papers and handouts.
A number of scripts and tools for Praat, R, LaTeX, PsychoPy, and the like that I've developed are available on the resources page.
My not-infrequent use of "hella", fronted vowels, and lack of [ɔ] all betray my Southern California roots—even though I lived on the east coast for nearly a decade. Texans rarely believe it, but I am a native user of y'all.
I completed my Ph.D. in linguistics at Rutgers University in New Jersey, before which I studied linguistics and linguistic anthropology at Brandeis University, just outside of Boston.
I also have some non-linguistic interests.